Degassing and drying series

Degassing and drying series factory type degassers, large commercial degassers, industrial degassers, factory type dryers, large commercial dryers, industrial dryers/Our company has many years of experience in Suonso brand, and accepts manufacturers with the ability to sell as OEM manufacturers. We hope to see more in the market in the future……

Product introduction

product type




产品描述:LTQ型离心薄膜脱气器是在TQ型基础上增加离心薄膜装置,果汁进入脱气器后即被高速旋转的离心盘强制形成薄膜进行脱气,即使对高粘度,小流量无压力进入的果汁中的氧气也能充分的析出。  产品参数 型 号 生产能力T/h 功率KW