SuonsoMachinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. - a professional food machinery design manufacturer

Suonso With more than 15 years of manufacturing experience, provide new product design, existing product optimization, and finished product manufacturing and assembly。

Suonso has more than 15 years of manufacturing experience

Provide new product design, existing product optimization and finished product manufacturing and assembly, and have the ability to provide professional services for customers. Dare to challenge the ODM to meet the changing market and diversified demands.

Suonso also moves towards the production of its own brand (OBM)

With the spirit of "quality, service and innovation", we will cultivate ourselves, provide professional and considerate services, and maintain the attitude of continuous innovation and reliable quality for sustainable operation.

Have a professional R&D team and dare to challengeODM

Understand the market demand, keep improving the quality, improve the food production efficiency and expect that the products can bring more added value to customers, creating a win-win trend.

Popular products

ZHJ对辊式榨汁机 Hot


产品描述:本机适用于金桔、柠檬、胡柚、桔子、菠萝、生姜、西番莲、火龙果、山竹、柑橘等水果的榨汁,水果无需去皮,无需分级,直接榨汁。  产品参数产品型号生产能力总功率外形尺寸mmZHJ1-3吨/时1.5KW12007501450  应用领域  产品广泛应用于果农

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